

Правильно ли я запускаю эту прогу в терминале:
/boot/home/Desktop/snort -A fast -i ppp0 -c /boot/home/snort/bin/snort.conf ????

Re: snort

Знаеш kim я аналогичным способом пытался запустить и у меня тоже ничего не получилось.
Может автору написать?))

Re: snort

Хоть написали бы, что за прога??

Re: snort

Кто рубит в английском? Могу на мыло выслать инструкцию по snort,
пока у меня вот что в терминале получилось
Welcome to the BeOS shell.

$ /boot/home/Desktop/snort -A fast -i ppp0 -c /boot/home/snort/bin/snort.conf
Log directory = /var/log/snort

Initializing Network Interface ppp0
ioctl(SIOC*MTU): No such file or directory
Automagic MTU discovery failed. Using default 1500
-–== Initializing Snort ==-–
Decoding PPP on interface ppp0
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug–ins!
Initializating Output Plugins!
Parsing Rules file /boot/home/snort/bin/snort.conf

Initializing rule chains…
No arguments to frag2 directive, setting defaults to:
Fragment timeout: 60 seconds
Fragment memory cap: 4194304 bytes
Stream4 config:
Stateful inspection: ACTIVE
Session statistics: INACTIVE
Session timeout: 30 seconds
Session memory cap: 8388608 bytes
State alerts: INACTIVE
Scan alerts: ACTIVE
Log Flushed Streams: INACTIVE
No arguments to stream4_reassemble, setting defaults:
Reassemble client: ACTIVE
Reassemble server: INACTIVE
Reassemble ports: 21 23 25 53 80 143 110 111 513
Reassembly alerts: ACTIVE
Back Orifice detection brute force: DISABLED
Using LOCAL time
WARNING: command line overrides rules file alert plugin!
WARNING: command line overrides rules file alert plugin!
1197 Snort rules read…
1197 Option Chains linked into 1117 Chain Headers
0 Dynamic rules

Rule application order: ->activation->dynamic->alert->pass–>log

-–== Initialization Complete ==-–

–*> Snort!

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